This week was actually pretty solid, and I'm very thankful for that. It started out in a blah way, only because it was the 9 year anniversary of my dad passing away. I've catalogued my relationship with grief many times over the course of 9 years and while it has gotten easier, not a day goes by that I don't think about my dad. 

It's a strange feeling, to know that you will never see someone again and that they are going to miss all the big moments in your life. I can't write about it too much otherwise I will start to cry and maybe never stop, but it's just sad.

Last weekend my family and I celebrated my baby cousin's 1st birthday, who actually was born on the anniversary of my dad's death. This child is my dad's great nephew, and wow, would he have loved being a great uncle. He loved kids and he would love to see his nephew, my cousin, as a dad. It makes me sad that they will never never know him, and vice versa. 

Grief is a fickle thing but it's all grounded in love.

Moving on... 

My team and I moved at work so I was in a new area of the office with people I usually email with and see over Teams but never interact with in person, so it was fun and interesting. It made work a little more enjoyable and interesting. 

This weekend is going to be another busy one; going dress shopping with my mom for my sister's wedding, hanging out with friends and overall just getting things done while also finding time to socialize. 

Enough yapping, let's get into the roundup.

credit: pinterest 

Pink Positivity of the Week 

This is going to sound silly but I had a nice Thursday. I slept for 8 hours straight, was working from home, didn't have too many meetings so I was able to get a lot of work done but also found time to exercise during lunch. I got a few things around the house done and then settled in for what felt like 100 hours of good television -- both Southern Hospitality and The Traitors had their season finales and reunions which is 4 hours of television each, and then you throw in a new Southern Charm episode and you've got a party.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

I didn't buy anything this week!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
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