How is it only Friday? I feel like the week has been dragging on but I'm very happy it's the weekend! I have a get together with friends and some house & busy work I need to get done. The weather in New York was beautiful, hitting 60 degrees and it made me want to put all my winter clothes away...but now it's 40 degrees and I'm freezing.

It's that time of year when I get a little antsy and want to redecorate, declutter and get a new wardrobe. I also feel the need to declutter my life, find new organization systems and make a change. I'm just tired of feeling the same way, going through the same motions and not being present for life.

I want to find the things that bring me joy, find a better balance and just be more clear with my intentions in all areas of my life. That being said, I might take a little break from the blog. My heart has not been in it for the past year and I do not want to let it go, so I've been holding on for dear life. I don't want to hold onto something that isn't serving me anymore and I think I just need a creative spark back.

We'll see how long this lasts but in the meantime, be sure to follow me on all the things:

credit: pinterest 

Pink Positivity of the Week 

I watched With Love, Meghan this weekend and it put such a pep in my step. It is so calming, inviting and lovely to disconnect for a while and watch this beautiful, smart woman cook, craft and host. It inspired me to cook real meals this week and for that, I'm thankful.

Links I Loved

What I Bought This Week

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