Happy Saturday! I'm tardy again with my blog post, and just tardy for everything in my life. It was another hellish week that nearly broke me but the sun is shining, it's freezing out and I have an Oura ring sleep score of 80. 

What I'm starting to realize is I need a better work-life balance; I need a better organization system, and I need to learn to handle stress better. I didn't think those were issues I had but it seems to be affecting me more and more, so I'll need to figure that out.

I also need to figure out how to make time for the things that bring me joy, or truly figure out what does bring me joy. I've slacked so much with the blog over the past year, as well as content creation as a whole -- what does that say about me? Creating has been the one constant in my life for over a decade, I don't want to give it up but maybe I need to figure out how it fits back into my life...or just stop being lazy because I think that's what it ultimately comes down too.

My screen time has gotten really bad so if I could just put the phone down, maybe I could pick up my computer and write. I'm continually hitting my 'rock bottom' in all areas of life but can never pull myself up high enough to get it together. What will be my breaking point? 

That concludes my existential crisis for the week, let's get into the roundup!

Pink Positivity of the Week 

I got a new car this week! It's the first car I've ever gotten that is completely mine - I've been sharing with my mom and sister since I could drive & it's the first car that is NEW. My grandma bought my sister and I a used car for our respective high school & college graduations, and then we inherited my mom's car when she decided to get a new one. After a ton of back and forth, I finally decided to just go for it because sharing with my sister just could not continue (especially since we don't live in the same neighborhood anymore). 

It's an adorable white Nissan Altima and I love it so much. It feels like I tackled another adult milestone.

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