This post is coming later than usual because I've had another very busy week -- but when isn't that the case? I had my annual fall themed girls night on Friday so Thursday night & all day Friday was spent prepping for that. It was a lot of fun, a lot of work, and I went to sleep really late so my Saturday was pretty shot. 

I had a plan and long to do list for the entire day but that was entirely scratched out when I started to feel incredibly sick and couldn't get off of the couch for more than 5 minutes at a time. I think my body was finally rebelling against everything I've put it through the past three weeks. I needed uninterrupted rest and that's exactly what I did, aside from some time spent at my mom's house for a quick dinner.

This time next week I will be in Florida for Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour and it truly doesn't feel real. I honestly don't feel like I'm even going and that might be a defense mechanism my mind is putting forward so in case something does happen, I'm not disappointed. 

I need to figure out what I'm packing, wearing to the concert, and getting myself organized. I've never gone on two trips in one month so the fact that I am feels very weird, in a good way.

Let's dive into the roundup!

Pink Positivity of the Week 

Girl's night was a lot of fun; we ate, drank, laughed a ton and it was nice to host my friends in my home again. It was tiring but worth every moment! 

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

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