Why hello there! It feels like it's been ages since I sat down and opened my laptop, and it has. This might be the longest I've gone without a blog post, even my weekly round up, and with good reason... I've been so busy I could cry. Today is the first free moment I've had in almost two weeks.

I was incredibly busy at work leading up to my work trip last week and then when I got home from California, my sister got engaged and we had a small engagement dinner. Now, tonight, as a I write this on Saturday afternoon I have my cousin's sweet 16 and tomorrow is another cousin's baptism. I don't have a free weekend until November 16th and then it's the holidays... I just want to be sure I'm present to enjoy every moment of my favorite months.

California was incredible; it was a really successful work trip, the events and hotels were beautiful, and I had a nice time. It was nice traveling alone and I felt very fulfilled at the end of it. Now, I just want to sleep but the show goes on...

Let's get into the roundup.

Pink Positivity of the Week 

California was great, I loved traveling and it was nice to get outside my comfort zone a bit. My sister getting engaged was also a huge highlight; it was fun to be in on the secret and see how happy & excited she was. 

Links I Loved

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