Holly Jackson stole my heart when I read her first series, "The Good Girl's Guide to Murder". It was the perfect mix of YA and thriller, without being too naive and immature. In my opinion, I wouldn't even describe Jackson's writing as YA, though that's what the industry has dubbed it.

When I saw that she was releasing a new novel, "The Reappearance of Rachel Price", with a summary that knocked my socks off, I immediately pre-ordered it and waited patiently for release day.

I pre-ordered the book on my Barnes & Noble Nook and even though I was waiting for the release, I didn't read it until two months later because I have issues that as excited as I am for a book, I rarely read it as soon as I get it in fear of making it go by too fast. 

Well, I didn't let this story linger for too long because once I read a few chapters, I finished the entire book in one day. I haven't done that in years, read from cover to cover, so you know that it was well worth it.

Publisher's Summary

Lights. Camera. Lies.   

Eighteen-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom’s mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness, but she has no memory of it. Rachel is gone, long presumed dead, and Bel wishes everyone would just move on.  
But the case is dredged up from the past when the Price family agrees to a true crime documentary. Bel can’t wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. And then the impossible happens. Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again.
Rachel has an unbelievable story about what happened to her. Unbelievable, because Bel isn’t sure it’s real. If Rachel is lying, then where has she been all this time? And—could she be dangerous? With the cameras still rolling, Bel must uncover the truth about her mother, and find out why Rachel Price really came back from the dead . . . 

My Thoughts

As I said above, the summary of this book knocked my socks off. I was so impressed by the pace, the anxiety, the lingering questions that were behind every corner. I didn't know what to believe and I honestly didn't even believe the truth when I read it...that's how good Jackson is at convincing her readers that they don't actually know what's going on.

Bel is living through her mother's disappearance again, this time in front of cameras for a documentary, and it's not what it's cracked up to be. When a woman claiming to be Rachel Price, Bel's mother, reappears, life is never the same. Everything for the Price family changes...and maybe not for the better.

Jackson does an excellent job at concealing the truth throughout the entire book. The reader is Bel...you are seeing things as clearly as she is, and as unclearly. Is everything as it seems? Is Bel's judgement really the best?

Who is lying? Who should Bel believe? You truthfully do not know until all is revealed, and even then I didn't fully believe it. Is Rachel really her mother? Where has she been all these years? When the pieces fall into place and you get an inside look at what has actually been going on...you won't know what hit you. 

I thought the book positioned true crime in a very interesting, almost meta way...something I think a lot of books have been doing lately. When does other people's pain as entertainment go too far? Is it always going too far? What is the limit? 

The entire book had me on the edge of my seat, especially the last quarter of the book. My jaw was dropped and heart was racing the entire time. I couldn't believe what was happening; it went from 0-100 in just a few pages and I was not expecting it. It was one of the most insane, epic, unexpected and crazy endings to a book I've ever read. 

Is Rachel just as she appears? What is the real story of the Price family? Are the documentary makers as innocent as they seem? 

Everything that happened in The Reappearance of Rachel Price was intense, emotional, and heartbreaking. From the disappearance, to the reappearance and the reason behind everything. The way that Bel held her own, followed her gut, and ultimately made the right decision for her family was impressive. It goes without saying that the writing was spectacular. Everything was kept close to the chest and you truly didn't know who to believe.

I can't say much more without revealing all the big plot points, but if you love fast paced thrillers, that aren't too gory or scary, you will love The Reappearance of Rachel Price! 


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