For the past few years, and when I say 'few' I mean at least 6, I've been very into wellness. I love reading about wellness trends, trying new supplements and products that are going to better my life, and overall just trying to better myself in any way possible.
Wellness has become so broad and mainstream over the past few years it seems that everyone has their own special wellness routine and there are constantly new products & companies popping up everywhere with the goal of bettering people's lives.
As we start the new year (25 days in), I've been thinking so much about what I want my wellness routine to look like for the next 340 days and I wanted to write about it, as I do almost everything in my life.
Overall, I want to be healthier, I want to take care of my chronic pain, I want to sleep better and have more energy, and I want to be more mindful and intentional. All my 'goals' fall into at least one of those buckets.
Minimize Physical Pain
Acupressure Mat
Sleep Wellness
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