As I write this, I should be at the first night of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour but sadly, I am not. I missed out on Verified Fan and couldn't score second hand tickets. I'm trying to not think about it and thankfully I have plenty to distract me this weekend but still, it stings.

I just want her to leave the east coast so I could feel free. 

I'm not used to not going to the concerts I want to go to; I know that sounds incredibly spoiled and privileged, and it is. Since I was a teenager I never missed a concert that I set my eyes on; from the Jonas Brothers to Taylor Swift to Blink 182 and Good Charlotte. When my friends and I wanted to go to a concert, we went. From the ages of 13-21, I probably went to at least 2-3 concerts a year. Live music is one of my favorite events and I'm devastated I'm missing out on the tour of a lifetime.

I did go to the Reputation Tour so at least I have that in my back pocket.

And I'll be going to the Jonas Brothers at Yankee Stadium in August which I am so incredibly hyped for, so I'm trying to not focus on the negative.

This week was pretty intense; I was super anxious and all over the place, got my stitches removed and then finally felt like I could breathe. Now, it's officially the summer, summer Friday's have kicked in and I'll have even more moments to breathe and get my life in order.

This weekend will be chill; I went into Manhattan for a little Stoney Clover pre-Taylor party at the store, walked around the West Village, treated myself to Popeyes and took a nap. Tomorrow will be spent running errands, reading and doing things for me and then Sunday I'll be with friends. I'm looking forward to the slowness and the socializing. 

Enough rambling, let's get into the post... 

Pink Positivity of the Week

I'm just so happy that my stitches are out and all went well. I don't know if I fully explained it here but I had to get a mole removed on my leg and they had to go into my leg to scrap it all out and make sure it wasn't cancerous. I was terrified of the stitches and entire procedure because I had it once before and it was traumatizing. This time was a breeze and the fact that it's over is heavenly. 

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

What I Bought This Week

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