Another week gone and we're almost done with the first month of 2023. January has gone by in a mix of fast and slow; it feels like New Years was 200 years ago but yesterday at the same time. Time is a weird, funny thing.
The week flew by and I'm happy to see the weekend. It's the first weekend in a while that I don't have any social plans and I'm looking forward to relaxing, running some errands and trying to reset my life.
I need to do a separate post on this but I've been doing a low buy this month and have been pretty successful, but this weekend my sister and I are going shopping because we both have gift cards and have been fighting to the urge to spend them. I'm so excited to go to a real store vs shopping online. I spend less money that way and it's instant gratification.
I've felt so disorganized and I need time to clear my head and get myself together; there's a lot going on in the next few months and I didn't do as much planning and to-do list checking as I would've liked this month. This weekend that changes, maybe.
Let's get into the round up.
Pink Positivity of the Week
Links I Loved
- No one wants to be a journalist anymore - I don't agree with this article because I don't regret my journalism major and wished I was actually a journalist.. it's still an interesting read, though
- This is one of the best moisturizers to have on hand during the winter months
- I want the Emi Jay ear muffs so badly
- What to wear if you love Pantones 2023 Color, Viva Magenta
What You Missed on Royally Pink
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