Friday comes to us once again. This was a long, odd week and I blame it on the solar eclipse, a horrible cold and the midterm elections. Every day I thought it was Friday and I was constantly disappointed... but I'm not necessarily complaining because I want November to last as long as possible.

Even though I love October and still think it's my favorite month, November just feels new. It's my birth month, Thanksgiving, and the weather is finally crisp enough for sweaters. November feels like the marriage of fall and winter and I'm soaking it up.

This weekend will be a mix of fun and rest; I have my grandma's birthday dinner tonight and then Saturday & Sunday are for myself to unwind and prep for next weekend which is my 30th birthday party. More on that as the days get closer though...

For now, let's get into the round up.

Pink Positivity of the Week 

My mental health has not been as negative as it usually is. I've been feeling lighter, happier and more peaceful. It's a really wonderful feeling that I'm not used to but I'm not complaining.

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

I didn't buy anything this week, go me! Have a fab weekend everyone!

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