It is the last weekday before I start my new job on Monday and I'm excited! I had this entire week off and it was really odd to not have to work. I haven't felt this light on responsibility since being unemployed for most of 2019 so it kind of triggered my anxiety and depression. I felt so unlike myself and it was rough but by yesterday I was a little bit better.

I got so many tasks and errands done this week though and it felt good to get out and run around; I exercised every day, wrote a few blog posts, and got myself together. I feel like I'm refreshed and ready for a new change! 

This weekend will be busy with friends, family, and a bridal shower happening on Sunday, plus trying to keep my cool before Monday. Change usually sparks a lot of anxiety in me but I am really excited about this new adventure. 

Let's get into the post!

Pink Positivity of the Week

I have a few small things that made my week positive: 
  • My wisdom teeth extraction sites started feeling better
  • Real Housewives Ultimate Girl's Trip Ex-Wives Club premiered on Peacock and it made my day
  • I cleaned and organized my entire room over the weekend and it made me feel incredibly invigorated and calm 

Links I Loved

What You Missed on Royally Pink

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