It is COLD in New York and I am loving every moment of it! However, I have been so sick and the weather is 100% taking a toll on my health. I actually left work early today because I was getting a second wind of whatever I had last week.

If you're experiencing the dreaded fall cold, you need to take some Robitussin. I started taking it on Monday and within a day I felt better. However, I stopped taking it on Wednesday and now I feel the cold creeping back up so I need to get back on that train. I hated taking Robitussin as a kid because it tasted horrible, but as an adult, it's not so bad and I was just so thankful to feel better.

This weekend is going to be a relatively short one because I have a work event tomorrow morning in New Jersey, then I'm headed home and going to have a lowkey night in with my boyfriend, cook dinner and relax. I need to knock out the rest of this cold! 

I can't believe we're more than halfway through October; November is going to be CRAZY! I have one of my good friend's weddings, the Jonas Brothers concert, Frozen 2 comes out in theaters, Thanksgiving, AND my birthday. I love October so much but November isn't half bad!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, let's get into the roundup!

Links to Love

What You Missed on Royally Pink

Oh I bought too much...

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