We got through Valentine's Day with flying colors! I am so pleased that I don't have to worry about February 14th for another year!

If you didn't read my Valentine's Day blog post, I recommend reading it now. It gives you a bit of an inside look at my dating world, something that I've always been hesitant to talk about, which I will maybe talk about in the future.

It was another long week here in the world of Briana... work has been very busy; my sister has started interning with me (it's a very interesting experience so far which maybe I will write about). Even though the week was busy, I felt oddly light. I didn't feel too stressed out, I didn't feel anxious, and I was in a fine mood.

It wasn't until today (Thursday) that I started to feel anxious. Maybe it's because the week is over and I'm looking forward to Friday, or it could be that the weekend has been giving me a lot of anxiety lately. I don't know if it's because work has been hard, or because I feel like I have a lot of things to accomplish in only two days, but it's weird.

This is the first week where my weekend anxiety kicks in TWO DAYS early. Why am I like this?

OH, this week Lent started and every year, I do try to give something up. The past few years I have failed but this year, I am giving up shopping. I am DETERMINED to do this no buy. As a good Catholic, I want to do my best. Let's see how it goes...

Ok, now for my favorite links of the week!

What you missed on Royally Pink:
Have a great weekend everyone!

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