I'm back!

I didn't think the newsletter weekly wrap up would be so short but I think I put too much faith in myself. I'm not ready for to take a series that I love (because I do love these posts) and put it solely in an email. I also don't know if I have 5 days of true, original content, and I'm confident enough to admit that to you all.

So we are back to regularly scheduled programming here on Royally Pink and I'm excited about it.

I like telling you all about my week and sharing my favorite links; it's just a little more personal. I do think that I will do something else on the newsletter -- something having to do with shopping, obviously. But stay tuned!

This week was really difficult for me; work was stressful, I was dealing with some personal stuff, I started a new anxiety medication so my body is all out of wack, and I got some blood work back. My doctor discovered I have arthritis which at 24 years old, is not good.

I've always known that there was something wrong with my hands and wrists, ever since I was 16 years old and starting spending a lot of time on the internet and a lot of time writing. Well, it was confirmed that I have arthritis and I need to get it treated.

I already was in a lot of pain this week and it got worse as the week went on; also knowing that I have something wrong with me, something that is not common in 24-year-olds, was kind of jarring.

I'm such a happy blogger, aren't I? But this is real and I have issues so why not share them. What's the point of having an outlet if I can't use it?


There was so much going on on the internet this week, here are my favorites!

Here's what you missed on Royally Pink this week:

Have a great weekend everyone!

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