Yesterday was filled with all my favorite books of the year. Books are one of my favorite things in the world, and I explained that in yesterday's post.

Today, I want to discuss my other favorite items: accessories. I have always and will always be the girl who loves accessories. When I was little, whenever I'd go into a store, I was drawn to the jewelry, handbags, and as my mom would call it "junk" section. I never cared for clothes, maybe because I hated trying them on and accessories were fit for everyone, but I always wanted bags and wallets and keychains and phone cases.

I'm not a shoe girl, and while I love clothes, I don't need the fanciest or most expensive. I'm more simple when it comes to my clothes. I live for comfort with a bit of style. I don't need what's trending, I just need to feel like me.

Accessories on the other hand, I always needed and I needed the new ones. I want the latest handbag or the newest jewelry trend; I was also always the bag lady. I keep everything and anything in my bag. I am always prepared, but maybe that's more to to with my Type A personality and not my love of accessories.

That being said, I wanted to count down my favorite accessories of 2016. That seems a bit silly but this year was the height of my shopping habit, but also the downfall of my beauty habit. I purchased more home decor and more accessories and jewelry than beauty.

This year was the height of my love of Kate Spade, and the newly ignited passion for Henri Bendel, which resulted in all of these favorites.





  • Hello Kate Spade Phone Case: Does this count? I got this from my mom for Christmas but I've been obsessed with it. I've wanted a flip phone case like this forever and while I loved this one from Kate Spade, the moment I saw THIS one, I knew I had to have it. I feel so fancy having a leather phone case and that's the point of my entire well being: to feel fancy. 
  • Henri Bendel Planner: I've ranted and raved about my Lilly Pulitzer planner for ages, and I've tried other planners but they never live up to par. That changed this year though. I used my Lilly Pulitzer planner from August-November but it got a little heavy in my bag (another favorite we'll talk about in a minute). When I saw that Henri Bendel released their 2017 planners, I had to buy one. The illustrations of Henri Bendel just get to me and I have to have everything with the illustrations on it. I bought it and I fell in love; I couldn't wait for December 1st to start using it. It's really organized and I feel so fancy using it (see, fancy is a buzzword for me). I don't mind not having colorful pages, but it just makes planning easy. I still use my Lilly planner at home for day to day at home stuff. 
  • Kate Spade Card Case: I felt like I needed something small to carry my work ID and metro card in, and who better to turn to than Kate Spade! I have a larger Kate Spade wallet that I use for day to day stuff but that was just too heavy & too big to carry every day on the train. I found this tiny card case and I've been obsessed with it. It fits 4 cards & some cash, so ideal for the working gal like myself. (The exact one I have isn't available anymore but here is a similar one) When Kate Spade released these personalized stickers, my aunt bought me 2 when we went to the Kate Spade store in New Jersey for the first time! Such a favorite of the year. 
  • Henri Bendel Jetsetter Backpack: When I discovered Henri Bendel, the first thing I knew I needed was their signature backpack. Backpacks are in style again and I wanted to get in on the trend. I purchased this bag a few months ago and it's been so wonderful. It's nice to have your hands free on the train and traveling to work. It fits a lot more than you' think, and is very light. I want to do a "whats in my bag" post about it and will hopefully get to that soon! 

  • Kate Spade Wink Drive Bag: This is a tote I've talked about before but it's my favorite bag of the year. I love the felt material, and the design, and how it's so structured. I get so many compliments when I wear it, even from complete strangers, which is not something I hear very often, but it's an incredible bag! (Currently out of stock on but if you see it ANYWHERE, pick it up!)

Below are a few honorable mentions of the year!:

What accessories were your favorite this year?

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