I've been at a lost for inspiration lately; getting into my summer routine has been rough, mostly because I am missing my college campus way more than I should. 

Because of this lack of inspiration, I've been thinking of ways to get out and improve my thought process. I came to the conclusion that I need to step outside the box and do different things. 

Until I have the chance to do those different things, I might take a different approach and do some semi personal posts.

Therefore, this post, Five Everyday Things is showing you five things I use on a daily basis. I am a very product filled person, I won't lie, so I have a lot of products I use every day; narrowing it down to just five is very difficult.

1. iPhone 4S

Lets start it off simple; I am a tech junkie and never go anywhere without my iPhone. It is attached to my fingers and I don't even leave a room without it. Whether it's social media, reading articles or emails, I use my phone from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep.

2. BabyLips

It doesn't matter the season, my lips are always dry. I've tried so many different lip products and Maybelline's Baby Lips works the best for me. Whether it's a plain shade or tinted, it keeps my lips moisturized and fresh. My favorite shade right now is Fruit Punch; it's perfect for summer and gives my lips a great pink touch.

3. Notebook

I hardly go a day without opening one of my many notebooks or planners. I always think of something that needs to be done or have a random thought. I still like the feeling of a pen in hand and normal paper instead of writing things down electronically. It's strange that I love technology so much but still appreciate a good pen and paper.

4. Phi Sigma Sigma Cup

I try to live the healthy way but my sweet tooth and love for carbs sometimes gets the best of me. I do, however, maintain a strong liquid diet: WATER. I only drink water; no iced tea, soda, or juice. I like my H20 (and my coffee/tea) so using my Phi Sig cup that I won in a game of SIGMA at Leadership Conference is my go-to. It's a pretty big glass so I don't have to keep refilling and I love sporting my letters at all times of the day.

5. John Frieda Frizz Ease Finishing Creme

My hair is incredibly curly and frizzy, especially during the summer months. Maintaining it is so difficult but Frizz Ease helps, a lot! I love this product because it's a creme so it doesn't make my hair oily but still keeps the frizz under control. Whether my hair is straight or curly, I use it right before I leave the house, running a dime sized amount through my hair. It's magical!

What are five things you use on a daily basis?

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