I've been on a shopping kick lately thanks to my summer paycheck but I need to calm down.

I have been though, I haven't been ordering too much stuff because I realized I have a problem but that doesn't go without saying that I needed to get my last bit of shopping out before school starts.

Back to school shopping is my favorite and like I mentioned previously, I bought the Large Lilly Pulitzer Agenda in Dirty Shirley earlier this summer and thought that I needed a little something extra to make the school year better.

Therefore, I ordered the Lilly Pulitzer Pencil Pouch in Dirty Shirley (I love nothing more than matching items) from the Giltzy Glam website. Disclaimer: THIS IS A DANGEROUS WEBSITE. It has EVERYTHING you could ever want and it's just amazing. I'm in love.

It has wonderful products and great shipping options. Also, I placed the order Friday night and I got it today. I love fast shipping!

The pencil pouch is PERFECT. I thought it was going to be a little small but looks can be deciving. The inside is actually pretty roomy and I have no doubts that it'll be able to fit my many pens, pencils, and highlighters. 

Another great company I've learned of over the past few months is Dogeared Jewelry. They have incredibly beautiful jewelry fit with different messages. I think that's my favorite part about this company; all their jewelry means something; luck, karma, wishes.

We all need a little hope, faith, or inspiration and what better way to get that than through a bracelet or necklace!

They are having a HUGE summer sale with anywhere from 40-75% off. I saw that as a perfect opportunity to purchase something from them.

I chose the Lucky Bamboo "Make a Wish" necklace and I love it! I really like the message that it comes with, "Bamboo brings prosperity and good fortune. Embrace the luck you already possess and watch it grow."

Everyone could always use some extra luck in their lives so I thought this was perfect. I can't wait to start wearing it!

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