Once the warm weather hits, something inside me yearns for bright, neon colors. I'm pretty covered with the pinks and blues in the summer department but my collection was lacking in oranges and reds. Enter, Essie's Clambake.
Clambake was a classic shade from the mid-2000s that was discontinued a few years ago. I remember when it was discontinued and people went nuts. Since then, Essie has brought the shade back a few times and this year, I finally got my hands on it.
I never used Clambake when it was a regular shade and never really cared that they discontinued it. It wasn't that I didn't like the shade, it was just that it seemed kind of ordinary. It's very similar to Geranium and to me, seemed like a shade that I've seen before.
Well, this year Essie brought back Clambake for its 40th anniversary. I saw a display in my local CVS and I grabbed it immediately. The shade is stunning... so much prettier in the bottle than on the computer screen.
As soon as I got the shade home, I painted my nails with it and was stunned. It's even more beautiful on the nails than in the bottle. Clambake applied really evenly, with no patchiness or spillage onto the cuticles. It went on super smoothly and was a real pleasure to apply.
The staying power was also pretty impressive; I think it was a little better than other polishes I have. When I took the polish off, most of it was still in place with minimal chipping.
Essie said that the shade was only sticking around until May 29th so if you see it in the aisles of your local CVS, or come across it online, pick it up! Your nails will thank you! I wish I would've bought a few more bottles to keep stock of.
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